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Bibliotheke graphic title

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is the Greek word for library. The greatest library of the ancient world was established by the Greeks in Alexandria in the 3rd century B.C.E.  A center of learning for the entire Hellenistic world,  it consisted of a museum, a library of 700,000 scrolls on papyrus or linen, and facilities for copying and translating texts in many languages.

At Elysium Gates this is where you will find sites that are about books, literature, poetry and reference material.  Thus creating a learning center for the entire web world.

Current member sites to surf that are associated with Bibliotheke:

Helena Schrader
Author & Historian
Annunaki Dreams
Christy's Looking Glass
(personal writings)
(authors and book reviews)
School of Spiritual Integrity
(recommended reading)
Nancy Pristine Motivational Speaker & Author Arley Koran - Author
(Mystery Novels, Holiday Stories & Children Books)
Your site could be here, join today!

At Bibliotheke, Elysium Gates Web Hosting specializes in helping develop the web presence that individuals desire.  Whether your site is on books, poetry, literature or you are a poet or writer, we are here to help you create the cyber home of your dreams and network with those with similar interests.  We will help you promote your site and teach you the ropes of building it and web design if needed.  If you are interested, be sure to take the Elysium Gates Tour and then contact us with your questions.

Other pages of interest in Bibliotheke:

Bibliotheke Charitable Projects Bibliotheke Featured Site Award
Volunteering to help in Bibliotheke Graphics for Bibliotheke Members
Bibliotheke Web Ring Bibliotheke Contests


When a new resident is accepted for membership, they will receive their space in one of several areas. These areas are divided by site content and may be specifically requested by the prospective member but are usually assigned by the Elysium Gates Staff based on subject matter. Note that we do support domain names also.

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