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Prometheus Now title
cartoon of Prometheus

Our Prometheus is a very friendly Titan.  He works hard to make sure that web rings are working, search engines list great Elysium Gates sites, and do whatever else the Elysium Gates staff task him with.  Besides being very helpful for staff and members he enjoys harassing Hermes with mind boggling trivia, Pandora with California weather reports and Kythera with amazingly high calorie foods.

When not assuming his true role of Prometheus, he masquerades on earth as a human (a very large and tall one of course!).  On earth he is an avid reader and researcher.  His career has been varied from baseball to management positions.  Our Prometheus in his human guise loves: cooking, movies, trivia, kabbalah, ceremony, hiking, Egyptology, dragons, Art Bell, smoking jackets and Thai food.  With his quick mind, kind heart, and sense of humor he is a delightful companion and compatriot for almost all human endeavors...and yes ladies, he's single!  To find out more about Prometheus, visit his web site of poetry he has written: 


If you need help with web rings, getting your site into search engines, or just wish to say hi, please write Prometheus. 

link to find out the origin of Prometheus Return to Mount Olympus

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