animated doveMusings of Annunaki site title graphic

Feel the gentle motion
ripple outward flowing
solar wave expanding
till all are
touched or touching

Listen pin-drop closely
heartbeat of the world
countless souls communing
ripples overlapping
enfolding you and I

That secret place within
your luminescent soul
know in sacred union
touching we become
part of the greater whole

Poetry List 1
Poetry List 2

If you have comments or questions about anything on this site, please contact the  web mistress
All poems are original material  and is copyrighted  © 1979-2006; Ian Wuolle

Graphic design of this site and its maintenance is provided by Crystal Cloud Graphics in conjunction with Elysium Gates Web Hosting.  The graphics on this page are for the exclusive usage of the owner of this site and cannot be used elsewhere without her permission. Contact the web mistress.