animated doveMusings of Annunaki site title graphic


A friend called the other night.
The urgency of her supposed need,
was translated and paraphrased
by a fellow occupant using the phone.

Frantically moving towards a rendesvous,
for which I was already late.
My compulsion to assist her,
threw me behind the wheel of the

Truck I was not supposed to drive.
Growing annoyed as I realized the
location from which she had called
was only two blocks away.

I arrived at my destination with
a certain air of indifference born of
her growing distance, the casual
manner with which she now abused our trust.

Embracing some stranger in transit.
She wheeled with alcoholic grace,
to arrogantly make her way
over to my truck.As if it were

A cab she had decided to summon
After failing ot obtain transportation
from her current boyfriend or the
new lover now moving down the street.

Both the trip to my house and
her crude string of degrading comments
were blissfully short for once.
Ten dollars for a cab to rid 

My home of her spiteful presence
was money well spent. She said that
she would repay me, that it was
just a momentary loan.

Recalling the bile she used when 
she spat out that she thought
that this one was true love.
Reminded me of the penance I

Had served as the one she loved most.
I felt compelled to tell what
my feelings were as regarded the
state of mind she referred to as love.

Instead, I told myself how worthless
it would be to not only throw
my money away, but toss in more
of my time and emotions than I already had.

It amazes me still, that anyone
so violent in thought and demeanor
could have touched me so deeply.
Lingered within me so long.

Poetry List 1
Poetry List 2

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All poems are original material  and is copyrighted  © 1979-2006; Ian Wuolle

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