animated doveMusings of Annunaki site title graphic

Blackened Dove

She lay a broken icon
Transfixed by a lone street light.
Unknown to the day,
she lived in and for the night.

No one knows her name
or the final thoughts she had.
Strangers were her family,
with them she met her end.

Embraced by broken dreams,
she left these final words.

I am the darkness
I am the night
endless absence 
of all but
pinprick holes
to a land of 
promised hope and light
I am a blackened dove
on a neverending flight

They could have called her anything,
for she died a nameless death.
But the name the papers gave her
is etched in to my soul.

Midnight Rose you greivous angel,
I hope you found your land of light.
Hope you found that promise,
burning,in some star's distant light.

For still I hear you calling,
in the shadows of the night.
As I walk alone,
night after endless night.

Poetry List 1
Poetry List 2

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All poems are original material  and is copyrighted  © 1979-2006; Ian Wuolle

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