animated doveMusings of Annunaki site title graphic


It all stands still sometimes.
  As though the world had something to say.
Trees bend close to the ground.
  Like weary figures,
huddled, at at a windy bus stop.
Flags blowing on buildings
 shades of grey and red.
Thousand foot tall mirror
 reflecting the empty sky.
Like ancient sentinels
 set to guard some sacred way.
....but they only cut off the sun
bringing a dreadful chill to angry bones....
The countless faces passing by
 pausing, seem to tell me in whispers,
that they know the reaon why.
 But, they moving on,
leave me with another,
 mis-begotten conclusion   ( or foregone?)
punctuated with a sigh.
Children laughing gaily.
 Playing some nameless game
with blocks and rubber balls,
...grow still and watch me
 as I silently pass...
They could explain it
 deep inside they still kow
But it would only come out
 a wordless cry.
There really must...
 must be a reason why.
The hands of the clock upon the ferry building
 mark slowly the time.
Waves lap gently,
 caressing a rotting pier.
Smoke from distant chimneys
 hovers shapeless, on the horizon.
Unseen ship blows its' mournful note,
 the street begins to fill.
Finding a seat, on a yet lonely bench.
 Scanning the crowd.
It almost seems to make sense.
 But, like fog in the night
the moment briefly caresses me
 only making me, more distant...
Yet it all seems to stand still sometimes
 as if there were something it could say.
Some word, some great secret,
 the world would have me know.
But if it does,
 it's all lost
in a hacking cough
 As I part my coat
to grasp yet another cigarette.

Poetry List 1
Poetry List 2

If you have comments or questions about anything on this site, please contact the  web mistress
All poems are original material  and is copyrighted  © 1979-2006; Ian Wuolle

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