A gateway to Avalon. Lancelot's Castle never
was; but always is, and probably will be tomorrow. It is a unique place
that dwells in reality and fantasy; the innerworld connecting to the outerworld;
a crossroads of Abred, Gwynedd and Ceugant.
It is an "oasis" for those who are aware of
being travelers. The castle welcomes all as guests- be they nobly-born
in spirit, questing pilgrims, or refugees seeking relief from pain, strife
and burden.
Lancelot's Liege-Lord is very just and wise.
Known by many names in different realms, this Sovereign delights in mingling
with all who have entered the castle and is easily recognized by each of
the different groups and individuals. The laws the Sovereign has decreed
are simple and known to all, for they are universal to everyone.
I bid thee welcome. Enjoy, refresh, inquire,
share, learn and delight in the bounty the Sovereign has created for citizen
and traveler alike.
Above painting copyrighted
by Danny Willis, courtesy of
The Global Sketch Book he has wonderful art, be sure to visit!
Web Site Design compliments
of Crystal Cloud Graphics