Please read these terms of use carefully. If you proceed to use this site, you are agreeing to abide by these rules.
This site contains a variety of copyright material. Some of this is the intellectual property of individuals (as named), some is owned by the Elysium Gates Inc. itself. Some
material is owned by others (clearly indicated) and yet other material is in the public domain. Except for material which is unambiguously and unarguably in the public
domain, only material owned by Elysium Gates Inc. and as Members indicate, may be copied, provided that textual and graphical content are not altered and that the
source is acknowledged. Elysium Gates Inc. reserves the right to revoke that permission at any time. Permission is not given for any commercial use or sale of this material.
[In plain English, what this means: Do not violate copyright! Copyright laws today automatically protect intellectual property even without an individual applying for a copyright
formally. On this server we have intellectual property (graphics, site content, names, ideas) which belong to Elysium Gates Inc, individual members, and others. You may only copy and
use material which is provided expressly for that use or is undeniably in the Public Domain (public domain items are clearly marked and have no copyright - they belong to and can be
used by everyone). If you do use graphics or content from a 'free' source, they must be used as the maker provided them and not be altered in any way. Additionally, the source of the
material must be identified in some manner -- such as a note on your page, "Background and button graphics provided by Billie's Button Boutique". Elysium Gates Inc retains the right
to revoke permission to use its free material at any time. The end user must then remove the material in question from his/her site (technically you are 'borrowing' it). Free material
from Elysium Gates Inc may not be used for commercial purposes nor sold to someone else. This would be similar to borrowing your neighbor's lawnmower then using it in a
commercial lawn care business or selling it to a pawn shop.]
No other material anywhere on this website may be copied (except as legally allowed for private use and study) or further disseminated without the express and written
permission of the legal holder of that copyright.
[In plain English, what this means: You have asked for and received permission from the rightful owner to use his/her material. To be absolutely safe, you should obtain written
permission from the owner to use his/her material unless a 'blanket' permission is granted on a page ]
All images and text within the Elysium and Elysium are the property of Elysium Gates and may not be downloaded, distributed, stored, reused,
reposted, modified or otherwise used except as provided herein without the express written permission of Elysium Gates Inc..
[In plain English, what this means: Don't reprint or copy in any form (Elysium Gates Inc) stuff! Items which you can use without first asking are clearly marked. Violation of copyright
leaves you open to civil and criminal prosecution -- with a possibility of stiff fines and penalties.]
Elysium Gates Inc. reserves the right to make additions, deletions, or modifications to this information at any time without prior notification.
While the Elysium Gates Inc. has attempted to make the information on this server as accurate as possible, the information on this Web server is for personal and/or
educational use only and is provided in good faith without any express or implied warranty. Elysium Gates Inc. does not accept responsibility for any loss or damage
occasioned by use of the information contained on the server nor from any access to the server. All access and use is at the risk of the user.
[In plain English, what this means: We provide information and data on our official pages which is accurate to the best of our current knowledge. All information is provided for public
information and education - not for business use or financial decisions. We cannot be held responsible for mistakes made on our pages or those that we host - whether this causes
you financial loss or not. On individual member pages we do not directly control content, therefore we are not responsible for mis-information or errors posted. Since you are here on
our server by choice and not paying a fee to view the sites here, this server can be viewed as a public service. Any damages you incur, be they a virus contained in a downloaded file, a
computer or browser crash, file or email loss caused by viewing pages here or financial loss due to your use of information contained here are not our responsibility. We will not make
good on losses you experience by visiting.]
We control our own official web pages. We do not directly control member pages or pages which are accessed by links. If you visit a member site which contains a link, and
by clicking on that link you are charged a sum of money (or some other type of payment), we will not be liable to reimburse you those charges.
We do not use any personal data we collect as a result of your application for membership other than to fulfill our responsibility/role to individual members as a host
server. We do not sell or give away your email address to bulk mailers or send your address to commercial marketing programs. We use your information to respond to
your questions, write back to you, or send you a notification of new services or features which you, as a member, might find of use.
Lots and lots of people are afraid of cookies. The idea of a site silently collecting information on you during a visit terrifies the staunchest of us. Rest assured ... cookies
benefit you, the web visitor. Without a lengthy explanation, here's what a cookie is and what it might be used for.
A cookie is nothing more than a piece of data which is stored on your hard drive as a result of your visit to a web page. It might be the date of your last visit to that site. You
might have responded to a prompt and entered your name. Perhaps you used a "shopping cart" on a commercial site to purchase merchandise. Cookies cannot get into
your computer and access your personal information by themselves. They can determine your browser type or operating system -- and certainly they can contain any
information which you voluntarily supply yourself during a web visit. Once the information is gathered, it is stored on your own computer (not a host or company computer
somewhere else) to be used when you visit that particular site again. That site may greet you by name, or tell you that this is your second visit -- or 'remember' what you
bought last time you were there.
Moreover, cookies can always be 'turned off' by you (see your browser help files). However, you will miss out on many features and conveniences by doing so. For example,
Elysium Gates, Inc uses cookies to remember your log in and password. That way, when you want to update your site, you don't have to continuously enter that information
in our computer system.
Bottom line is this -- if you don't want personal information (like your telephone number or credit card information) to be in outside computer systems, don't give it out. You
can prevent cookies from working -- but it will inconvenience you. Cookies are stored only on your computer.]
We don't give out, sell or otherwise distribute personal information which you supply to us without asking you first. The only exception to this is when the law enforcement
agencies legally require that we supply such information to them for the purposes of an investigation. Think of this in terms of a 'search warrant' for the authorities to gain
access to your personal apartment or home.
Any change to this privacy policy will be communicated promptly on this page. However, in practical reality, don't expect anything to change.
Feel free to contact Pegasus if you have questions regarding this page or need additional clarification on a point.
We weave caring and purpose into the net.
©Elysium Gates 2001-2024 Designed by Crystal Cloud Graphics