As you can tell, our Hermes has taken advantage of all the newest technology and has installed it in his Mount Olympus home. He is a 10 key expert and manipulates
spread sheets so swiftly and accurately he would make the Hermes of old head spin. Our Hermes is also very noble as he loves to make sure all the paperwork is done so
that we can contribute funds to the Elysium Gates Foundation for good works. Best is that he uses his caduceus as a wand to keep the IRS at bay and creates ever more
new instruments to entertain all the gods/goddesses at parties.
When not in his true form as Hermes, he masquerades on earth as an accountant, husband, grandfather, retired Navy pilot/commander, Masonic Temple book keeper,
cat sanctuary book keeper, lay minister for the Episcopal church, Priest of the Liberal Catholic Church, Elysium Gates CFO (Confused, Frustrated but Optimistic) and many
other titles. He is also known on earth for his humor, shade tree philosophy, diplomacy, ever youthful curiosity and love of trains, ships and planes. He does have a few
human quirks in this guise...he loves Spam (food kind, not email!), and relates to Eyore. He also has a never completed, always in progress, web site you can visit at
Lancelot’s Castle
If you have any questions regarding your membership account or method of payment please write Hermes.
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