Membership at Elysium Gates gives you the opportunity to house your web site on a dependable and dedicated server without advertisements. It gives you the opportunity to be part of the vision of Elysium Gates: To be on a server with other responsible, informative and quality web sites. We see it something like TV's public broadcasting programming. To have compassionate individualized and personal help/service. To have the tools to interact in a caring and harmonious community. Through membership fees to support non profit charities, scholarships and volunteering. To make a difference and have fun. Elysium Gates does support domain names. Be sure to tell us if you need to transfer yours. Rates paid for Membership depend whether your site is a personal or a commercial one (commercial sites are defined as selling a product or service to the public), profit or non-profit, large or small. For personal sites the cost ranges between $15 and $25 per month, for commercial sites $25 to $50 per month. Write directly to Kythera Ann with your questions and to discuss what Elysium Gates may be able to do for you. Billing is also flexible, monthly, quarterly, or yearly via PayPal or by surface mail. Once your hosting needs are established, you will be able to discuss with Hermes what billing method works for you. Elysium Gates works with Crystal Cloud Graphics to also offer you personalized site design, construction and/or maintenance. Simply send an email of inquiry outlining your needs.
We weave caring and purpose into the net.
©Elysium Gates 2001-2024 Designed by Crystal Cloud Graphics
Always click on my picture (I am Medira the Elysium Gates mascot) to move through each page of the tour in order (like a “next button”).
Membership at Elysium Gates gives you the opportunity to house your web site on a dependable and dedicated server without advertisements. It gives you the opportunity to be part of the vision of Elysium Gates: To be on a server with other responsible, informative and quality web sites. We see it something like TV's public broadcasting programming. To have compassionate individualized and personal help/service. To have the tools to interact in a caring and harmonious community. Through membership fees to support non profit charities, scholarships and volunteering. To make a difference and have fun. Elysium Gates does support domain names. Be sure to tell us if you need to transfer yours. Rates paid for Membership depend whether your site is a personal or a commercial one (commercial sites are defined as selling a product or service to the public), profit or non-profit, large or small. For personal sites the cost ranges between $15 and $25 per month, for commercial sites $25 to $50 per month. Write directly to Kythera Ann with your questions and to discuss what Elysium Gates may be able to do for you. Billing is also flexible, monthly, quarterly, or yearly via PayPal or by surface mail. Once your hosting needs are established, you will be able to discuss with Hermes what billing method works for you. Elysium Gates works with Crystal Cloud Graphics to also offer you personalized site design, construction and/or maintenance. Simply send an email of inquiry outlining your needs.
We weave caring and purpose into the net.
©Elysium Gates 2001-2024 Designed by Crystal Cloud Graphics
Always click on my picture (I am Medira the Elysium Gates mascot) to move through each page of the tour in order (like a “next button”).